What does it mean when a listing is showing withdrawn in MLS?
What it means is that there is still an open Listing Agreement with a Brokerage, however the seller has requested that the home be removed from the MLS for a certain period of time. In this situation you may not solicit a listing on this property.
What should you do if someone approaches you and says that they cancelled their listing and want you to re-list it?
Get a fully executed copy of the cancelled listing agreement. Send it to the board so that the status is changed in MLS. The client may think they cancelled the agreement via a phone call to the agent or broker, however if they did not sign a cancellation addendum and have it counter signed by Broker it is not technically cancelled. If they were to sign a listing agreement with you (thinking it is cancelled), they have just obligated themselves to pay two commissions on the sale of their home.
Remember paperwork is your friend. Without it we can not defend you if things go awry.
If a listing shows as cancelled in MLS then then you can assume it was properly cancelled with the Seller and Broker.