We are always looking to protect both our Clients and the Brokerage. There have some significant changes in the way the laws govern Tenant Selection Criteria which have prompted numerous lawsuits as well as class action suits. Due to this, we are requesting that everyone go through training with Rachel DeCamp to be sure that all of the laws are understood and you are equipped with the scripts needed in these situations.
Please watch this video: Rental Policy Video
In order to provide the highest protection to our landlord customers, and both Brokerages, we have implemented a procedure for all agents offering rental placement to Landlords. This protects the customer, you as the REALTOR and the Brokerages. Not only is this designed to protect all of us, but it will make your placements much smoother. Our Property Management Team will handle the heavy lifting for you.
All applications need to be done online at http://www.solutionsrentalsfl.com/ – Tenant pays $75 per occupant over 18 years old. Each occupant will apply separately.Use the Heist, Weisse & Wolk lease – NOT the FAR/BAR Lease. This lease provides specific protection for the landlord, as well as reduced price and expeditious evictions should that be needed. Tenant (normally) pays $100.00 lease prep fee. Sample LeaseIf your customer does not want to use the Heist, Weisse & Wolk lease, we will require a release from the landlord to hold the Brokerages harmless. Any FAR/BAR leases uploaded into Paperless Pipeline will be flagged in the future. In the event you run into this situation, have the Required Landlord Disclosure signed along with the Exclusive Right to Lease and upload everything to Paperless Pipeline. Why_use_our_attorney_Lease_Preparation_Service
URGENT !! How to handle questions about Tenant Selection Criteria
“Refer the Tenant to the Resident Selection Criteria” Have this available on the MLS listing, or refer them to the website to review at https://solutionsrentalsfl.com/resident-selection-criteria/
Minimize discussions on Selection Criteria
“I am not at liberty to speak with you about your background screening”
“Decisions are made by the Landlord on a Case by Case Basis”
“Financial Obligation is to show income of 3x Rent”
Solutions Property Management is here to help you with the Application and Lease
Solutions Property Management Services
Online Application Service for tenants
Summary Report provided to the agent for Landlord Review
Attorney Prepared Lease to protect Landlords
Attorney Prepared Resident Selection Criteria to keep the Brokerage and Agents out of harms way of these class action suits
Attorney Prepared decline letters when needed that follow the letter of the law
Guidance and Procedures to follow to steer clear of any legal issues
Listing Agent Responsibilities
Identify who pays for the $100 lease prep fee in listing agreement and add notes to MLS to that effect
Upload all docs as included below to MLS and add notes for $75 application fee, lease prep and request that all tenants review all documents uploaded
Direct all Applicants to the Solutions Property Management website to make application and be sure Affirmation is Signed and uploaded along with financials and DL (and any other pertinent documentation)
Manage the expectations that the application process can take 3 days.
Note that all Active service members submitting applications must be processed and a decision within 7 days, or the property must be auto defaulted to the service member according to new statute 83.683
Listing Agent is responsible for contacting references
Notify SPM if the application is declined or accepted
If accepted, be sure that tenant has clear instructions on what money orders / certified checks are required (no personal checks and please put it in writing to them since it is three separate checks)
Once funds are received, the Listing Agent will be provided a Lease Order for completion and it must be forwarded to the attorney
Please manage the expectations, it can take 2 days for the attorney to prepare the lease
Listing Agreement
Be sure that your Right to Lease Agreement includes that the $100.00 Heist, Weisse and Wolk lease will be used in the other fees portion of the lease, as well as $75 applicant processing fees per tenant to http://www.solutionsreantalsfl.com. Note on the list agreement if the lease prep fee is to be paid by the landlord or the tenant.
If your landlord chooses to not use the Heist, Weisse and Wolk lease, the landlord will need to sign the Landlord Disclosure Required Landlord Disclosure when not using Attorney Lease
Once you take the Rental Listing
Add the following wording to the MLS Agent Remarks:
Please have applicant read over all attachments including Sample Lease and Resident Selection Criteria, and have tenant sign the Affirmation by Applicant (attached). Applications are submitted on website www.solutionsrentalsfl.com. Only completed applications will be accepted for processing. Make sure to upload DL and income verification. Only fully completed applications for all occupants will be processed and considered pending. All occupants 18 and up must submit application.
Add the following documents to the MLS Document Section:
Affirmation by Applicant(s) Affirmation
Sample Lease Sample Lease
Sample Short Term Lease Seasonal Sample Lease
Resident Selection Criteria Resident Selection Criteria
Another Agent Procures a Tenant for Your Listing
Tenant’s Agent will need to e-mail the signed Affirmation by Applicant to Rachel DeCamp at solutionswithrachel@gmail.com.
Tenant’s Agent to upload financial information, Driver’s License, Affirmation, and any other information (pet shots, etc) to the application site www.solutionsrentalsfl.com
Once the application is completed, Solutions Property Management will provide a Summary to you for the Landlord. It is your responsibility as the listing agent to call the references. If approved, let SPM know and they will provide proper documentation to the Placement agent on whether or not the applicant is approved. If the applicant is approved they will be provided with the Application Approval instructions Application Approval Instructions for REMAX AGENTS
Once the tenant provides the deposit and lease preparation fee of $100.00, they will be provided the following Security Deposit Payment Acknowledgement Security Deposit Payment Acknowledgment
Checks to be made out as follows – and MUST BE as certified check or money order:
Security Deposit – Owner
Lease Prep Fee – Solutions Property Management
First Months Rent – Your Brokerage (RE/MAX Solutions or Solutions Property Management)
You will then be forwarded a Lease Order to complete so that the attorney can complete the lease. This is the Listing Agents responsibility.
You Procure the Tenant for your Landlord
Have the tenant sign the Non Management Disclosure NON MANAGEMENT DISCLOSURE
E-mail the signed Affirmation by Applicant to Rachel DeCamp at solutionswithrachel@gmail.com. .
Upload financial information, Driver’s License, Affirmation, and any other information (pet shots, etc) to the application site www.solutionsrentalsfl.com.
Once the application is completed, Solutions Property Management will provide a Summary to you for the Landlord. It is the Listing Agent’s responsibility to call reference. If approved, let SPM know and they will provide proper documentation. If the applicant is approved they will be provided with the Application Approval instructions Application Approval Instructions for REMAX AGENTS
Once the tenant provides the deposit and lease preparation fee of $100.00, they will be provided the following Deposit Payment Acknowledgement Deposit Payment Acknowledgement
Checks to be made out as follows – and MUST BE as certified check or money order:
Security Deposit – Owner
Lease Prep Fee – Solutions Property Management
First Months Rent – Your Brokerage (RE/MAX Solutions or Solutions Property Management)
You will then be forwarded a Lease Order to complete so that the attorney can complete the lease. This is the Listing Agents responsibility.
Any questions on this procedure should be directed to Rachel DeCamp, Director of Property Management at solutionswithrachel@gmail.com