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Summer Book Update – Crucial Conversations

If you were not at the June 11 Thrive Kickoff meeting and still want to participate in the book club there is still time.

Please send me an email so that I can forward the Book Club Welcome e-mail with links to the discussion groups, the special facebook page and other information.  If you are joining us and were not at the June 11 meeting there is homework; and you will need to practice signing in to Zoom using the links in the welcome email.  The first two chapters will be discussed next week either Wed or Thurs depending on your preference.

All meetings will be virtual using zoom video conferencing software.  All participants can choose either Wednesday afternoons at 12N or Thursdays evenings at 7PM.


Get ready to take your conversations (work and personal) to a new level.

Crucial Conversations is our book pick .. it is important to your business and also important to your day to day success in life.   80% of the issues we come across are due to how to drive the “difficult conversations.”  These include things like reducing your list price, negotiating a repair, communicating hiccups throughout the transaction… and it goes on and on.

The book club intro will be June 11 during Thrive.  Our subsequent meetings will be virtually using an online web meeting software called Zoom.  This way you can attend the meeting from home, your car, or the kids’ ball field using the mobile app.

The meetings will be guided discussions and we will have a companion facebook page for participants as well.

If you are in; order your book and be at the meeting on June 11.  Bring your book AND YOUR LAPTOP.    We will familiarize you with zoom, set meeting times and verify participants at that time.

To order the book on amazon, follow this link: Purchase on Amazon

If you prefer an audio book option, try Audible : Purchase Audible Version

Take it to the next level this summer !!

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