The new law has been in effect since July 1, 2023... If you have not familiarized yourself with this new law please do so asap. You can get to the Florida REALTORS Webinar via a previous portal post:
We have prepared some documentation to help you navigate this as best as you can (they are attached here as well as in transaction desk:
A letter for your clients that explains the basics and gives a link to the SB 264 memo provides an outline of the law
Sample affidavit that will need to be signed at closing - give to all of your clients as soon as you work with them - if you are currently working with a client provide this asap with the letter. We have an editable version of the letter as well as a generic one
SB 264 memo prepared by Florida REALTORS that you can provide to clients
Do not try to help your buyers decipher the law. (provide the letter and the memo and refer them to attorney if necessary)
Provide the sample affidavit to EVERYONE you are working with and have them initial that they have received it.
Best practice would be to do so as soon as you begin to work with them .... At a minimum include it with any offer for submission.
Keep a copy of the initialed first page for your file and upload to transaction desk.
If you have any questions, please contact Laura or Lindsay.
I’ve only gotten to the first letter, but the link in there is not working