The following is an article from the National Association of REALTORS regarding hate speech. We felt it was important enough to re share this to all of you for review.
As you consider your social media campaigns, please also keep in mind that you may not even recognize something as being offensive or even just in bad taste. With every post you make please keep in mind that others see it from a different lens. Remember that MANY Americans are facing job layoffs and will continue to be through the end of the year. Keep in mind that MANY Americans don’t know what their kids will do for school next year and are scared about how they will handle it. The list goes on and on. Over the next several months there will likely be more issues that may or may not have an affect on you … Just be aware of it and come from compassion and you wont get trapped with opposing views and ugly comments on your posts.
We are encouraging everyone to please review the video in the link at the bottom of the post, here it is again. Bias Override Video Link
As racial tensions mount across the country, reports of racist and hateful remarks being made on social media have pressed on brokerages and REALTOR® associations. Firms and associations looked to the National Association of REALTORS® for guidance on what to do if they have to field complaints about comments deemed inappropriate. “While each comment must be evaluated individually in order to determine the appropriate course of action, we have offered the following guidance to those who’ve asked for it,” Katie Johnson, NAR’s general counsel, posted on the association’s Hub channel. The guidelines include the following for those who receive hate speech on their association or firm’s communication channels. Removing offensive posts. If an inappropriate comment was made on an association or firm’s social media channel, they can remove it. “NAR does not tolerate hate speech on our social media or other channels. Such messages are removed,” Johnson wrote. “We urge all associations, members, and companies to do the same in their channels.” That includes posts that are shared and originally posted by others that contain quotes or attached images that contain hate speech. Any post that threatens violence should be referred to authorities.
Consider ethical violations. A REALTOR® could be subject to disciplinary action under NAR’s Code of Ethics if the offense relates to real estate activities and transactions, including within the agent’s marketing or while they’ve offered real estate services. Code of Ethics complaints can be filed with the local association where the REALTOR® holds membership. Alert the member’s principal broker. REALTOR® associations can report any offensive remarks to the REALTOR®’s broker. Brokers may want to take separate action to limit harm to their business. Educate. NAR is urging REALTOR® associations to consider revising their new-member orientations and other mandatory education courses to focus on the delivery of equal services. NAR recently published an implicit bias training video as part of its Accountability, Culture Change, and Training (ACT) initiative that relates to education on fair housing and antidiscrimination.
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