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MLS – TOP Violations



It can be easy to inadvertantly break the MLS Rules.  But there are consequences to doing so.  Dont get burned with an MLS Fine ! Know the rules.  These are the top MLS Rule Violations that are encountered by our MLS Committee !!

  1. Not putting a listing in MLS within the 48 hours requirement or submitting the Seller Exclusion and Listing Agreement

  2. See Section 1 of the MLS Rules – All listings must be entered within 48 hours

  3. See Section 1.3 – if the seller refuses to permit the listing to e disseminated by the MLS, an MLS Exclusion must be signed by the  Broker and Seller and submitted to the MLS  MLS Exclusion June 2019

  4. Branded information in the Narrative – This includes Builder name, For Sale sign in any photo

  5. See Section 1.19 – No contact info including open house notifications can go in the narrative.  No contact inforamtion includes phone number, image of the sign in a photo, or branded virtual tour.

  6. Primary picture not correct

  7. See section 1.21 – the front exterior photo must be the first or second photo.  If there is a view from the dwelling or an aerial view, one of these can replace the first place exterior photo.

  8. Listings not placed Contingent when contract signed – Listings not closed in required 48 time period

  9. See Section 1.6 – all contingencies and closings must be updated within 48 hours

  10. Entering a property without list agent’s permission

  11. See Section 20.7 – Must remove lockbox within 48 hours of closing or expiration

  12. Failure to notify the list office immediately that key is missing from lockbox or property is unlocked or damaged constitues a fine of $50 for the first offense.

  13. Entering a property with a lockbox key without authorization  per the agent remarks is a $200 fine

  14. Using photos from another agents listings

  15. Photos are copyrighted.  Participant in a transaction may use 1 exterior photo from the sold listing within 30 days of closing for just sold promotion.

  16. Putting combo or gate codes in the Agent Remarks

  17. See Section 1.26 – no gate codes, combo codes, etc in agent remarks

  18. Fines for MLS Offenses

  19. Fines range from $50 to $200 for a first offense

  20. Read Section 20.2 for all MLS Fines

Download the complete MLS Rules here (your password will be required):  Space Coast MLS Resource Library – MLS Rules

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