Per the MLS Rules, your listing must be uploaded into the MLS 48 hours from it being fully executed. If you are going to need additional time to prepare the home for photos, etc it is imperative that you have the MLS Exclusion signed by your client and send it to compliancy@space321.com within 48 hours. Those are the two options. If it is not in MLS or MLS Exclusion sent to that email within 48 hours you are subject to a fine.
A new form has been developed, so please download the most recent one for use with your listing paperwork – this one is pre – signed by Lindsay: MLS Exclusion June 2019
If you do not send the listing agreement along with the MLS Exclusion to the email on the bottom of the form within 48 hours you are in violation and could be subject to a fine. First Offense $50.00 Second Offense is $250.00 See the MLS Rules MLS Rule