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Marketing to Last - Template Alert!

I was going to post something else today, but I got a little distracted by my burning desire to expand the COREPresent library. So, I threw caution to the wind and - drumroll, please - I've indeed jazzed up the COREPresent library.

You ought to be utilizing COREPresent for its analytical prowess, captivating storytelling, eye-catching visuals, and pretty much everything else. Now, you can also showcase even more about Solutions and, of course, the pièce de résistance - more about the fantastic YOU.

Uploaded slide:

Step right up and behold the newest addition, ready for you to incorporate into your presentation and flaunt our incredibly awesome brokerage! wink

But wait, there's more <-had to.

We have a Canva template that allows you to sell yourself and customize your presentation further.

How this works:

When you enter COREPresent, in the top right you'll see a space for "add slide". That's precisely what you've come to do.

Each slide requires a Slide AND PDF version, so yes, you've got both here.

Click below and ENJOY!!

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