Top Producer Fact:
You want to be viewed as a professional and stands out know your stats
This was my #1 “secret weapon”
I was a 22 year old pregnant girl (new to the area, had no legacy in RE and only me to blame if it didn’t work)… so I cold-called expireds and FSBOs and for lots of other reasons, door knocked (poor feet) every day for years to make this path to being your Broker today. I studied the market (stats and previewed as much property as I could in every area) and kept my head down and I worked hard.
Know the market basics off the top of your head when talking to people about Real Estate “How is the market?” Suddenly becomes a real opportunity when you start talking to people in casual conversations about this kind of information there is shift in their minds immediately about your level People are used to small talk answers or trivial responses about if you are busy or got anything pending I always watch people’s face-they either just wanted small talk or they immediately understand they stumbled upon a real one