Did you know ?
This Listing Manipulation Rule carries a hefty fine – $500 automatic fine. If you withdraw or cancel a listing and re enter it to give it a “FRESH” MLS number you may be breaking this rule without proper seller explanation.
Section 1.5.1 Listing Manipulation:
Withdrawing or Cancelling a listing and then re-entering it under a new MLS number to reset DOM to 0) is a Listing Manipulation and will result in an automatic fine of $500. If a listing is expired, withdrawn, or cancelled and the same MLS subscriber (agent) and/or Team picks it back up within 30 days, rather than creating a new listing to reset (DOM to “0”) the original listing must be reactivated. After 30 days, a new listing can be created with the appropriate agreement from the seller. (Note. In the form of an explanation – The intent of this rule is to keep listings from being withdrawn or cancelled and recreated to misleadingly appear as a new listing).