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Flex Notifications for Subsciptions filling your InBox?

Is your inbox filled with these pesky emails all day long?  Get rid of them by changing your subscription Settings.

Sadly you have to change it individually in each subscription, however a few minutes getting this done will save you from InBox overload!!!

  1. In Flex go to the Main Menu

  2. Look at Contacts Section and Click Subscriptions

  3. Open the subscription by clicking on the link to it

  4. Under the Subscription Name it says Send notification of new listing to:

  5. Unclick You(sender) if you want to stop the notifications

  6. Unclick Send me an email when a contact clicks if you want to stop that notification also

  7. Click SAVE at the bottom of the page so it saves the changes (Very important step

Hope this helps.  This question has come up over, and over again.

Laura Hazlett


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