If you are wondering where a certain field is in the new FLEX Reports, here is a quick reference sheet with the most asked for fields highlighted.
For multi level structures Floor is now called Entry Level (client looking for first third floor...)
55+ is now called senior community.
There is no longer a home warranty field so if you are offering that please add it to the public remarks
There is no longer a commission bonus field so if you are offering that please add it to private remarks
There is no longer a backup status so please add that to public remarks
Lastly if there are any additional pet details or additional rental restrictions add that to the remarks as well.
Be sure under pool features that you choose all possible pool features. Same with view for the property.
Go into your listings and beef up the information that you have in there and be sure you are selecting all features that apply to your listings. Re arrange your photos so that the first 6 tell the best story of the home. Front, View, Pool, then the Three best looking areas of the home.
If you have questions or issues, please call Laura as she is actively working on the system.
Transaction Desk is still an issue so continue to access it via your main portal menu item.
