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Fall Book Club – How to Win Friends and Influence People

Get ready to take your relationships (work and personal) to a new level.

How to Win Friends and Influence People has been voted as one of the 100 most influential books of all times.  Its a classic and if you have read it before, lets get back into it.

All  meetings will be virtual using an online web meeting software called Zoom.  This way you can attend the meeting from home, your car, or the kids’ ball field using the mobile app.

The meetings will be guided discussions and we will have a companion facebook page for participants as well.

I can promise you that reading in a book club like this, you will get at least 50% more from a book then reading it on your own.  Purchase it on Amazon (it is available with Prime) or listen to it on audible.  Or both !!! Whatever works best for you.

The first discussion will be WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 at 12N.  If you would like to join, block off Wednesdays at 12N and please email me at Order the book ASAP.  We will review the first TWO chapters on October 23rd.   We will add you to the Facebook page for the club and if you are new, I will make sure you know how to access the zoom calls ahead of time.

This is a growth opportunity you do not want to miss.

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