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Contract Class Coming Up at the Board of REALTORS - Highly recommended!!!

FAR/BAR AS IS Contract Sept 20, 2023- This class is In person. There is a separate registration if you want to attend via zoom. Attorney Jonathan D Lack will cover the As Is Contract Line by Line. Class compliments of Waterview Title Services.

Cost .00

Course Date 2023-09-20

Time 9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Last day for discount

Available 52 out of 75

Description As Is Contract- In Person 4CE

Location Space Coast Association

Room A

Address 2950 Pineda Plaza Way Melbourne, FL 32940

Delivery Method CLASS

There's An addendum for That October 9, 2023- This class is being offered both in person by live webinar and zoom. Cost .00 Course Date 2023-10-09 Time 12:00PM-1:30 PM Last day for discount Available 138 out of 150 DescriptionThere's an Addendum for That Location Space Coast Association Room A Address 2950 Pineda Plaza Way Melbourne, FL 32940 Delivery Method CLASS

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