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Beef up your Sphere of Influence

Lindsay and I have been doing lots of one- on- one appointments to get everyone ready for a Killer 2019.   Business Plans are coming together (if you haven’t gotten yours together yet, please message us for an appointment) and it is so exciting to help everyone prepare for those goals !!

One of the areas of improvement we are seeing over and over again is Tracking and Building up your Sphere of Influence / Past Client database.

How do you build your Sphere of Influence? 

  1. Pull together all of your past clients and a list of “mets.”  If that means rummaging through your gmails , old HUDs, Spreadsheets, and Christmas list so be it.  Get started there.  If that means refining your CRM database and scrubbing bad address, Start there.

  2. Prospect that list intentionally.  E-mail, Text, Call, Send Postcards – whatever you have to do.  Make sure everyone on the list will refer you when asked who they know in Real Estate.   Make a plan and a $$ budget $$ on how you will do this in 2019.  What will you send, when?

  3. Now , take a closer look at that list and identify anyone who could potentially be a “referral partner.”  Someone who refers business to you when they hear someone talking about real estate.  Think divorce attorney, CPA, etc.  Someone you can nourish and teach how to refer to you all the time.  Build up at least 5 of those partners that you refer business back and forth.  Consider a special promotion for their clients that use you to buy or sell.  Think outside the box and develop something together with them.

If you haven’t gotten the budget spreadsheet, download them here: Budget Worksheet, Business

If you would like to download this graphic and put it by your desk (this is a great reminder to add people to your list every day) download it here:  Sphere of Influence REMAX

I hope this sparked a few thoughts and I would be happy to sit with you and create some strategies.

Laura Hazlett


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